Founder Story

We live for the memories that will never be repeated. Every moment of life is unique and fleeting, and  it becomes more and more challenging to notice, appreciate and hold on to it. But I have learned to anchor moments in my memory through scents, photography, and jewelry. Every time something special happens in my life, whether it's an enveloping feeling of falling in love in a place, music, or people, finally achieving a goal after years of great effort, or discovering a new stage of my life — I  buy or make myself a piece of jewelry. 


My mom taught me to appreciate the moment. When I was 5, she gave me my first pair of earrings and has been giving me little gifts for every special occasion ever since. Now I open my "treasure chest" and see each special day, hear its smells, feel those same butterflies in my stomach, smile and wrap myself in those memories. I am so grateful to my mom for teaching me how to go back in time, it was the best gift ever!